Exterior Signs
Entice your customers with a beautiful exterior display provided by Schickworks. Our experts work with all kinds of materials and sign types, from illuminated cabinet signs to billboards.
Awnings are a great way to decorate the front of your store. They offer protection from the elements, lighting and in some cases, space for logos and messages.
Banners offer a cost-effective option for temporary signage. The ability to roll them up when not in use is a huge plus. We have many options for banner materials and uses. Street banners, event banners, portable event vertical flags are but a few.
Billboards are a cost-effective form of advertising. We use premium quality substrates and vinyls for maximum longevity. We can do single colours or full-colour prints. Reflective or non-reflective vinyls. We can also print on reflective vinyl for max impact.
Channel Letters:
They are three-dimensional graphic elements with individual structures and separate illumination. A channel letter can be any letter, number, or other character that fits within your branding. Each letter is made using aluminum sheeting and acrylic. Each letter has LED lights inside, which make Channel letters a great way to make your building signage stand out.
Custom Cut Aluminum Signage:
Create a unique and custom look for your business with a plasma-cut aluminum sign or letters. Sheet aluminum cut with a local plasma cutter, individual letters, simple icons, or signage with letters and basic imagery cut out can be created. The finished product can be left as raw aluminum or powder coated to many different colours to make it pop.
Gemini Letters:
Plastic or metal letters and icons used for indoor or outdoor signage. They are three- dimensional and can stand out from the wall or be attached flush to the wall. They can be left in their raw metal look or painted in various colours to match your logo and branding. Gemini letters are a great way to make your business and branding stand out
Illuminated Sign Cabinets:
These are bright and grab your client’s attention. They make sure that you are noticed even at night. We custom make these to any size needed and use LEDs for illumination.
Pylon Signs:
Pylon signs are an investment in your business. The ultimate way to get noticed. We work with you through the entire process, from design to engineering and fabrication to installation.
Sandblasted & Hand Carved:
These are a great way to stand out from the mainstream and put a warmer and personal touch on signage for your business. We work with HDU (high-density urethane foam) and Cedar.
Sandwich Boards:
Great for bringing interest to special events or anything else you need with different sizes and materials to choose from. Some frames have removable panels, so it’s easy and inexpensive to change messages as needed.
Vehicle Lettering:
Make your vehicle work for you. It is driving around, so why not add lettering and logos to been seen all over town. We can do everything from a small logo to having it take up the entire side of your vehicle.
Other signs:
We have a huge inventory of all kinds of sign substrates: Aluminum, Coroplast®, ACP (aluminum composite panel), PVC etc., to make sure we have the right material for your need and budget. Come see what we can do for you today.
Let us help you find the perfect medium for your needs. With durability, quality and affordability in mind, you can expect superior results when you work with Schickworks.